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Thursday, July 7, 2016

Stress and all that is ugly

To say that stress is bad for you is an understatement. It's hard on your heart, mind, and body. Anyone else a stress-eater!?! That's a real thing. I turn to comfort foods and care less about my health, when I'm stressed.

Stress also triggers a chemical reaction in your body that ultimately can make you gain and retain weight. (Here's the medical explanation on how stress makes you gain weight, because I am no doctor. I'm just someone who has experienced this!!

I hoped for assistance with my emotions when I started using Young Living essential oils, and I could cry happy tears right now at how much they've helped me!!! I use Joy along with some other oils to help support my emotions daily! (I rub them on my chest every morning. I also LOVE to put a drop in my diffuser necklace!!) Stress Away is my go to I'm-About-To-Snap blend. lol

This is the bonus oil in the starter kits so I was hooked from the beginning! I take it everywhere I go. Think about it ... you're having a bad day and you can feel your stress building... Rub some of this blend on and it's amazing! I love to massage it into my neck.

Don't obey the commercials that tell you to eat a candy bar! lol I mean I still give in to my cravings sometimes, but not every time I'm grumpy or hangry. ;)

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Unexpected bonus of using this face wash!

Okay I got the Satin Facial Scrub in Mint from Young Living, because I knew I need to exfoliate regularly. 

For just over $16 wholesale, I thought that's a great price!  (Especially since it's made with some of my favorite essential oils!)  After a couple of weeks of use, my pores are definitely looking smaller!! 

Here's where I was surprised though ...

Do you ever wake up congested?  I do!  Seems like crud just settles in my sinuses when I'm asleep!! Gross. I know. But, it's true. 

Well, I tried this for the first time one morning and could not believe how well I could breathe right after!

I've started massaging my sinuses with warm water and the scrub and it is amazing relief!  I highly recommend you try it too!

You can order it as a retail customer, at $21.38 or wholesale customers can get it for $16.25.  Follow my link to create your own account!  Choose the contact me option if you'd like more info on becoming a wholesale member!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Baby On Board

Well, it's been a little while. Honestly I was trying to keep quiet about the fact that I'm pregnant again until after the first trimester and then time got away from me. So, here I am again wanting to chat and share!

We found out we are having a girl!  Our son is so excited about his baby sister, due in early August.

One of the reasons I had to avoid blogging is because I just wanted to share how I am using Young Living essential oils this time around. 

If you don't already know, I first started researching essential oils when I was pregnant with my son. When the doctor gave me a long list of things to avoid ... I questioned what was going into my body for the first time!  (I know I should have sooner, but I'm glad I got my wake up call!)

Now that I'm stocked and comfortable with my oils, I was so ready to tackle pregnancy symptoms.  The first trimester was full of morning/Noon/night sickness for me, again. Digize to the rescue!  

I use this Young Living blend as needed. I have it diluted in a roller, so it's really handy on-the-go too!  (This one does come in the Premium Starter Kit.)

I also found simply sniffing peppermint helped to calm my stomach, especially in be car. 

I'm going to keep sharing my personal experiences so "stay tuned" for more. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Young Living gift ideas

As someone who firmly believes Young Living essential oils and products have improved my family's life, I want to share that love.

#1 We are healthier and have overall improved wellness
#2 We KNOW what is going in/on our bodies (Let's be honest, anything you put on your skin is absorbed into your body!) ... Know it's actually 100% pure!

So, here are some of my favorite gift giving ideas.

Contact me for more information!  Heather Spain, Young Living Independent Distributor.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Beauty Serum, aka liquid gold

A wonderful image consultant gave me the best advice for skincare years ago ... Moisturize your face!  Oily skin is a sign that your skin is out of balance, so don't skip the moisturer, use the right kind.

I've found the absolutely best and it's affordable because you make it yourself. 

What you need:
- glass dropper bottle or roller bottle
- Yong Living essential oils
- carrier oil (Jajoba is a popular carrier for the face.)

I personally love Chamomile (calming), Cedarwood (regulate), Lavender (cleanse and support), Neroli (tone), Frankinscence (firm, soothe, and support), and Sandalwood (balance).

There is some amazing research available  on essential oils and skincare!

You can start small, with just a little carrier and 5 drops of an essential oil. You can add to it every couple of days. 

I would highly recommend using a small amount every morning and night. This will help to keep your skin nourished and your makeup will go on smoother with a smoother canvas. 

Friday, November 20, 2015

The gift that keeps on giving!

Share this with your loved one if you want the gift that keeps on giving for Christmas!

The Young Living Premium Starter Kit is amazing because it will get you the 10 everyday oils so you can start replacing some other things you're using. You get an awesome diffuser!  Plus there are samples, small bottles for travel/sharing, and more!!

Want ideas for gift giving!?! Oh there's an oil for that!  Feel free to ask me for ideas! For instance, a new mom could use Gentle Baby and Lavender.  Someone who needs a better night's rest, Peace and Calming. For the athlete, PanAway oil blend or the Cool Azul Sports Gel.  A little pampering with the Lavender Lotion is a great one too!!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Fit, fabulous, and oily

I've struggled with body-image most of my life, even when I was tiny I wasn't happy with myself. Now, I've had a child and my weight has bounced around as I've gotten older ... boy oh boy, is it hard to keep a positive self-image sometimes!

My main focus by adding Young Living's essential oils and products was overall health.  I'm sure you've heard that you can't just diet and lose weight ... that you have to also workout.  It's just like that.  You can't add pure essential oils to cut-out toxins, but still eat junk food and not workout.  

If I want to be fit and trim...
If I want to be a good example to my son ...
If I want to have a positive body image ...
If I want to be comfortable in my own skin ...

I HAVE TO BE HEALTHY!  Sorry, I have to yell that at myself sometimes.  ;) 

Y'all, I have seriously lost weight and gotten myself in check using multiple things.  Again, this is not a post about "to lose weight just drink ___", these are ways that I support my health and manage weight, in addition to eating healthy and moving more!

I drink Young Living's Pure Protein Complete for breakfast every morning.  This stuff is delicious!  Tastes like chocolate milk to me, and I think most protein powders taste like chalk.  This has allowed me to avoid poor food decisions.

I LOVE to drink Lemon, Peppermint, and Grapefruit essential oils in my water.  A couple of drops of each supports digestion.  (For some, these are too powerful of a flavor to drink in water and they'll put them in vegetable capsules.)

Young Living has entire lines of products dedicated to being "Healthy & Fit" so check it out!

For overall health, I drink a shot (1-2 ounces) of NingXia Red every morning.  (I started drinking this for energy too, so be sure read the previous blog post on that subject!)
NingXia Red® combines the extraordinary wolfberry superfruit with pure Orange, Yuzu, Lemon, and Tangerine essential oils, along with blueberry, aronia, cherry, pomegranate, and plum juices to deliver a whole-body nutrient infusion. This powerful formula includes wolfberry, which is touted for its health-supporting benefits, while ongoing research continues to reveal exciting new properties on this ingredient. Enjoy NingXia Red daily to energize, fortify, and revitalize the body and support overall health and wellness, from head to toe.
• Sustain energy with the combination of select wolfberries and other superfruits. Contains powerful ingredients which are involved in many antioxidant processes and may help prevent against oxidative stress.
• Balanced ingredients make NingXia Red a whole-body nutrient infusion for health and wellness support
• Delivers citrus essential oils containing d-limonene, a powerful component in citrus oils.
• Halal and Kosher certified in 750ml bottles (Halal Certified in 60 ml sachets)
• Powerful formula includes wolfberry which is touted for its health benefits